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3 Major Red Flags To Watch Out For In A New Relationship

3 Major Red Flags To Watch Out For In A New Relationship

1. Loveboming : is a manipulative tactic used by individuals to gain control and influence over someone emotionally. It involves overwhelming the target with excessive affection, attention, and compliments in order to create a deep emotional connection. This technique often begins with an intense and seemingly genuine display of affection, making the recipient feel special and cherished. The love bomber may shower the target with gifts, constant communication, and declarations of love, creating a sense of dependency. However, beneath the surface, lovebombing is a strategic method employed by manipulators, such as narcissists or emotional abusers, to exploit vulnerability and manipulate emotions. Over time, the love bomber's behavior can become controlling and toxic, leading to a power dynamic that ultimately serves the manipulator's agenda. It is crucial for individuals to be aware of the signs of lovebombing and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships.

2. Gaslighting: is a form of psychological manipulation where an individual, often with malicious intent, seeks to sow doubt in another person's mind about their perceptions, memories, or sanity. The term originates from the play and film "Gas Light," where a character uses deceptive tactics to make his spouse question her reality. Gaslighting involves a range of behaviors, such as denying the occurrence of events, trivializing the target's feelings, and consistently contradicting their experiences. The gaslighter aims to create confusion and erode the victim's self-confidence, making them more susceptible to manipulation and control. Over time, gaslighting can lead to emotional distress, self-doubt, and a sense of powerlessness in the victim. Recognizing these tactics and establishing healthy boundaries is crucial for individuals to protect their mental well-being and maintain a sense of reality in interpersonal relationships.

3. Covert narcissist: A covert narcissist is a subtle and insidious personality type characterized by a pervasive pattern of self-centeredness, a lack of empathy, and a strong desire for admiration and validation. Unlike overt narcissists who display grandiosity and seek attention overtly, covert narcissists operate stealthily, appearing modest or self-sacrificing while harboring a deep need for constant admiration. They manipulate through subtle tactics such as playing the victim, using passive-aggressive behavior, and fostering a sense of dependency in their relationships. Covert narcissists often exploit others emotionally, undermining their self-esteem and subtly asserting control. Recognizing a covert narcissist can be challenging, as their tactics are covert and manipulative. Establishing firm boundaries, cultivating self-awareness, and seeking professional guidance are essential for those navigating relationships with individuals displaying covert narcissistic traits. Clues to spot a narcissist

Conclusion: Having awareness is how we can help ourselves make the right choice when meeting a potential forever person. The takeaway here is to always take things as slow as possible, even if the feelings are high. People tend to show their "best self" in the beginning, and over a period of 3–12 months will the person in question's real personality be revealed. #selfcare #loveyoubeforeyouloveanother #awarness #redflags #relationships #love #narcissiticbehaviors

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